It all started with this lovely climbing rose that my French grandparents Papi and Mamie gave me for my christening ... its the same age as me, and we are to blossom together .... so, mama planted it right here. "Here" is right in front of my bedroom ... so that as I grow up, I can see it from my bedroom window... isn't that romantic???
This, below, is my bedroom window. Seen from the inside.
Yes, I know. I am very messy. I think its a Bernard Bunch trait.
Anyway, back to my roses ... I spent the day helping Mama to install the pergola trellis thing and to plant the roses in the right place .... it was SUCH a hot day, but it was a family effort and I'm really quite pleased with the results!!!!
Mama would keep distracting me with idle chat and gossip and conversation ...
but I'm always happy to play along, if that's what makes her happy ....
Here Mama, would you like this muddy stone? A gift from the bottom of my heart ... Awww, you don't want my precious gift??? Ah shucks .... you know what the heart of my bottom says to that?
Right mama, go away now please, SCAT!!! Stop invading my privacy with that flipping camera of yours!!!
Good for you, keeping your mama in line! Someones gotta do it. Your flowers are beautiful and it is quite the princess bed you have! Lil Gracie is quite jealous, (that's a Baker trait I think)she says that she would love to have a play date and share toys with you! Enjoy your beautiful garden. :^)
what a helper!! Your roses will grow up and be beautiful just like you!! Can we come over and play?! you have some fabulous toys!
I'm sure the rose and you will be sharing secrets via your bedroom window in no time. Looks like you had a "ticklefest" with your brothers, too - seems like lots of fun!
Right now, Hannah is awake and listening to her music not so silently. I'll go fill her in on your day.
tu me fais rire ma biche ; vous etes bbien toi nathan et william vous etes beau !!! bisou popo
Un pequeño comentario para princesa Abigail, de la parte de Lolita, una libélula verde y blanca que vive colgada encima de cama, te transcribo el mensaje(me lo recitó anoche a la oreja):
"Querida Abigail, me gustaría que vinieras a pasar unos días en mi reino secreto, te llevaría a buscar ranas y sapos y a darle besos a los renacuajos, que luego se transforman en águilas enormes y salvan a los niños. Bueno, dale también besitos a William y a Nathan, y sólo unos poquitos a tu mamá y a tu papa. Hasta pronto."
Besos de la hada alada.
Crazy Lais
I meant to ask, who is squashing you with thier foot, in the first photo????
Abigail on n'est bien soeur car ta chambre et la mienne c'est le meme bordel ! je t'aime !
u look so adorable ma petite fille abi!
miss u lots! been awhile since i last heard frm you.
*love n kisses all the way frm malaysia*
Princesa Abigail, me gusta que ti te gusta mi blog. Me enoja leer sobre su familia y especialmente usted. Gracias para los comentarios. We hope to hear from you soon and you'll be hearing from us too!!
Howdy, Princess,
I mentioned you in my post earlier this week.
Today is America's birthday!
Will you be celebrating Bastille Day on the 14th? July 14 is a special day in my life, too.
Lovely roses! Your Friend, Dr. Boucher
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