Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Physiotherapeutic Memory Lane

Remember Claude??? My favorite physiotherapist who I would visit twice a week from the day I was born until my second birthday?

Well.... I gave him a surprise visit ... he was so moved to see me he knocked the sweets all over the floor!

Claude observed me in amazement .........and couldn't believe how much progress I had made! Don't forget, last time he saw me, I still wasn't quite walking .... and here I was clambering all over his Cabinet and getting up to all sorts of physiotherapeutic mischief!

"Ummm... Claude ... I don't think Dr Boucher would approve of this seat you know. My feet don't touch the floor. Better make amends to that pretty soon!"

We were both really pleased to see each other again ....

Au revoir Claude ... et a bientot! Maman et moi t'aimons beaucoup!!! et puis ... on va mettre la pression a la maison pour que Papa revienne te voir aussi ... l'armee des filles Bernards a l'attaque!!!