I have brought some new friends home from creche! They have certainly created quite a lot of animation within the Bernard Bunch ...

Could this be a new pensive mode for my brothers?
Why else would they scratch their heads so often?

The whole family has been doing lots of special shampoo's since I brought them home

My guests are very friendly you know. They are certainly very cuddly on my scalp and seem to want to be close friends ... I can feel their presence, um, all the time.

Mama says I have a lot to learn about hygiene...

All these shampoos seem to be doing the trick though

(don't tell Mama I published this piccie -
-she never lets ANYONE see her without her make-up on!!)

Hey, by the way, I'm having a great time discovering this blog. Which is ironic, I suppose, since I've been writing it since before I was even born. Anyway, we'll discuss reality and feasibility at a later stage .... I'm LOVING discovering all my own piccies and all of yours too! I'm spending many a moment in front of the computer discovering you all ... in fascination, amazement and - a first I'm told - true concentration! So keep up the good work fellow bloggers, I'm on your case!

Thank You Baker Bunch for this lovely, lovely Princess top!
Hey - Abigail and Mandorallyn - get a load of the great framed embroidery in the back-ground there! Isn't it amazing! Everyone who comes to the house comments on it you know!And Gramma - if you look carefully, Mama is sporting the beautiful ear-rings you gave her for Christmas - she wears them every day you know! She LOVES the colour and sparkle! Great choice!
And to all my blogging friends, here's a special message to you all expressed on a breakfast item Mama prepared this morning with our Christmas gift from my Aunty Sianie in London:

Need I say more???!!!

Need I say more???!!!