Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog awards galore

Thank you Lisa and Gracie and Amber for my two spanking new blogging awards!!! How much more chuffed could a young Princess get I ask??!!! And you know what? I LOVE awards! I can’t get enough awards!

"I would like to thank my Mama, my Papa, my brothers, my agent, my publicist and my fame campaigners for this award … and please accept a Princessly bow in thanks. I am truly grateful (and I’m just about having to scrape Mama off the ceiling here she’s so excited!) "

Thank you Lisa for the Promixity Award. I fully understand the responsibility that this awards goes (I quote) “to kind bloggers who aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”

In this context, I have three people I want to share this Award with

Amber in Africa is a truly wonderful person. Mama is crazy about her. This blog is about her time as a nurse in Africa – an unusual perspective on the person who we see in Gracie’s blog. Amber just does not realize just how lovely she is. Truly selfless, thoughtful, loving, and just a tad off her rocker! It was The Universe which brought their paths together ... and maybe one day, Amber and Mama will go to Zambia together ....

A Mothers Angst is a blog that Mama has taken a shine to because this lady is real. The things she says about her kids – their mutual trials and tribulations – are so sensitive, truthful and insightful. This lady is so worth listening to. Wise and lots of humour.
Carmencita is on the tough road of adoption in Ukraine. She’s been a couple of times, and has so far come home empty-handed. Carmen is already so in love with her daughter, even though she hasn’t met her yet. Carmen really deserves this award for her courage and determination.

Amber has given me a gorgeous 'HONEST SCRAP' award! Now this really appeals to Mama’s sense of off-the-wall-ness. What kind of a name is that???!!! But I like it!! This award is all about brilliant content and design, so I am all the more flattered! I must remember to thank my blog designers. I reckon it’s my exquisite bows which got me this award, myself!

Mama tells me I now have to choose fellow bloggers who deserve to also receive the Honest Scrap award…. Well that is EASY PEASY!!! There are two of them

Abigail is creativity personified. She is amazing. No other person on earth deserves this award more than Abigail. Well, apart from me of course. Abigail, you can only receive this award if you agree to use it as an impetus to share your crafting talent with the rest of the world and start selling your stuff. GO GIRL GO!!!

Pauline is my adoptive sister. Pauline is crazy about me. And I'm pretty fond of her too! Pauline is Christine (my Nanny)’s daughter. I spend all my week days with Pauline, and she posts photos on her blog so Mama can keep tabs on all the Princessly things I am getting up to in her absence. Merci Pauline de t’occuper si bien de moi comme ca, tous les jours!

So inspirational are these awards, that I have decided to make up an award of my own!!! Ladies and Gentlemen (drum-roll), introducing ….

This is an award simply about love and happiness and telling people their blog is nice. Its just a plain spontaneous ‘tell as many people as you can that you love them’ award. So without a doubt, the Princess Abigail’s Bow Award goes to ….

All these parcels in the post ...

Remember Mama's recent crazed purchase of thousands of Bows Bows Glorious Bows for my beautiful locks?

Well last night we got our first delivery ... it was so exciting! These are Mama's favorites at the moment (quite demure and low-key, which is not her usual style, but I guess she has to adapt to my regal status!).

Mama LOVED my outfit today! Unfortunately, Papa REALLY hated it. Peace-talks and negociations are underway ... I'll keep you posted on who wins ....

In the meantime : ENJOY! (Again, THANKS Amber, THANKS Abigail, for the great webshops you recommended to Mama!)
I found it very difficult sitting still for Mama's photo session this morning. Big Bro Nathan is always very good at calming me down though.

By the way folks, I received a beautiful parcel in the post this weekend .... from a lady called Laetitia who lives in the north of France and has been following my blog every since Mama created it almost three years ago. GUESS guess what was in the parcel ... GUESS!!??? GUESS!!!?