Sunday, May 30, 2010

My tailor-made clothes have arrived!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Strawberries and blue cream

Oh my goodness, look what my brother William has done ..

Mama prepares some fresh cream to go with the strawberries she's been growing in the garden with me

But William sneakily put some blue food dye in the bowl

and then had a blue cream feast!

What a weird thing to do

It gave him hours of fun though!

What a plonker!

Mama laughed so much that she couldn't tell him off

Oh the joys of having a naughty brother!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Despite my initial prognosis, ha! Today I am FOUR!!

My fourth birthday cake!
As you can see, the concept of solid food initially still repulses me ....

but I adapt more quickly now!

after a few minutes I could say
"what a fabulous birthday cake"!!
even though there was no way I was going to actually eat any of it.

And for the first time EVER
I blew my own birthday candles
The whole Bernard Bunch almost cried with the emotion!!!
then I started opening my birthday presents

three sets of bows!!!!
Mama's favorite accessory for me
... hmmm .... thanks Mama!!....
(don't they do "Charlotte aux fraises" bows?)

I got a packet of blow-up balloons which kept me amused for ages

and then I discovered "Charlotte aux fraises"
(Strawberry Shortcake?)

my favorite cartoon at the moment....

and a book about charlotte aux fraises

and her birthday.
a book I really loved.

The Bernard Bunch
is so very proud
of all I have accomplished
in four years
and of my ability
to contradict every negative diagnosis
which has came my way
in those short four years.
Thank You Mama
Thank You Papa
for not believing in what the doctors said
and for knowing I could come so far
Love is so powerful!

Difficult to part with my old bed

So nostalgic a creature am I that I had to have a parting jig in my old bed before Mama folded it up and put it in the cellar ... its a great place for disco dancing you know!!

One day to go

So, Mama decided to get out my brother's old bed and ravamp it Princess style.

I love it!

I can get out of this bed all my myself

which I am terribly proud of

Mama and Papa are proud too

especially at 6am, my new wake-time

their enthusiasm is palpable then too

OK, off for a dodo now before the celebrations begin!

Many celebrations are planned at the Bernard Bunch today!