Saturday, June 21, 2008

An untypical hence typical week in the life of Abigail ... not easy to say good bye to Claude who has been my physiotherapist since I was born

Me and my friend Tinky Winky are well on top of things folks ...

we went to Adeline's for a bit of psychomotricite (which i have learned is NOT the English-language equivalent of physical therapy - so what IS the word in English???? My Mama has launced an international vocabulary enquiry!!!)

Adeline is teaching me all about the concept of 'inside' and 'outside' ... this is one of the first premises of cleanlinesss I 'll have you know!!!

No, this is not a re-born me ....

this is me finding out all about 'inside' and 'outside' and following an adventure set by Adeline .... I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo love my Friday mornings!!!! Wouldn't YOU love to be doing this??????

All good things have to come to an end .....

Mama had to camouflage some of her tears because Friday was the big official 'Good bye' to Claude my physiotherapist. Claude has been looking after me since I was three weeks old, he knows me so well, and I love him so much. Je t'aime Claude. Tu es un kine genial, exceptionnel, et hors norme. Certes tu es un Ours Grizzly, mais c'est justement ce qui te permet d'aimer, de comprendre et d'aider. Tu ne prends rien a la premiere impression, et tu comprends les autres dimensions.... c'est pourquoi moi et Mama on t'adore. Vraiment tres fort... merci Claude pour ces 24 mois passes ensemble. Tu es devenu ma famille, et je t'adore Claude. C'est le coeur d'Abigail qui te parle .... Merci Claude.

The last appoint with Claude my physiotherapist ... lots of emotion ...

Claude, je t'aime, et tu auras un place tres importante dans ma vie. Merci Claude pour tout ce que tu m'as aide a faire toute seule!!! Tu fais partie de mes reussites physiques!!!

And just to end this post on a positive note, cos I won't pretend it was easy to say goodbye to Claude ... at all ...

the sun has finally arrived in the south east region of France!!! No this is not Pamela Anderson (nor is it Shrek !!! The green reverberations are a touch ott here!!!)
hMMMM.... seems like this is Abigail the Green WATER NYMPH!!! In Scotland they would probably refer to me as Nessie (hey Fairy Godmother, ain't that right???!!!)

Abigails pool does shed a little shame on the state of the family pool ...

Bye bye folks!!! This evening I have a sunburn in the perfect shape of my swimsuit .... Mama has learned that alas I did not inherit the Sun-friendly skin of my Papa but her own sun-timid skin which means EVEN MORE sun screen than ever before!!!!