Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mama is SUCH a boring gardener ...

Would you believe she crept out into the garden this morning (when I should have been getting my nice warm bottle of milk - instead I had to wait two extra whole minutes) just so that she could capture her oh-so-wonderful roses after the rain ...come on, how sad is that eh???

But it seemed to make her very happy, and when She is happy, then my life is easier and I get a lot more of what I want ...(eyes rolled to ceiling as the garden photos continue to unfurl ....)

Is that a carnation or not? Mama couldn't put a name on it but claims it popped up out of nowhere - just like me!!!!

The thing I like best about Mama's garden is all the fairies who all secretly inhabit it ...

and timid hedgehog families ...

OK, so now back to me ....

.... my love story with my physiotherapist is about to draw to an end ... now that I can actually walk properly, ie: on my own, independently, as a means of transport from point A to point B, rather than just as a game to make people happy, Claude feels that its unlikely I'll need to see him for a while, other than for the odd "lets just check your muscles aren't tightening up too much" session. So this is one of the first of a series in 'au revoir but a bientot" snogs that we have started administering one another as the sessions draw to a close ... believe it or not, Claude is a real grizzly bear, obnoxious and rude with most people - but my Princessly charms have ertainly got the better of him!!

"I love you too Claude"


BYE FOLKS!!! I'm off to Lyon now for a stroll with Mama and William, we will go up to the Fourvieres Basilica and sent my gorgeous Friend Hannah lots and lots of positive vibes and then we are going to watch Nathan play his rugby tournament this afternoon : a busy day ahead!!!! Watch this space for my next exciting epistle!!!


Rob at Kintropy said...

What a beautiful garden, Abigail. You Mom is quite talented. Most of our faeries have packed in for the early summer, retreating to the mountaintops and waiting for our rains to restart in a few months. Maybe they'll come and visit your garden during their holiday?

TheJessicat said...

boring gardener>? your momma has such lovely flowers that has bloomed into a beautiful garden.

I'm sure u'll appreciate em when uv grown up into a pretty young lady.

and omg the hedgehogs are adorable, i tot they only exist in cartoons. Over here in M'sia, there ain't any ones i've seen!

YAY for ur accomplishment abi! ya gonna keep gettin better! =D i feel so happy for u.

p.s- every comment of urs in my blog is replied. did u know? hehe. *hugs*
