Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My two love-bird parents ... well most of the time anyway ...

ok sometimes the glamour gives way to practicalities ... like wiping my bum, making tea, and having to look after the kids when one has a hang-over ...
My Papa doesn't like this photo, so William my naughty-tutor told me to publish it - isn't he just gorgeous! My Papa is the best Papa in the whole world and I just LOVE cuddling up to him cos my Papa is the BEST! Me and my Mama know this for sure!!

God how embarassing - my mother is such a poser. Can I pretend she's not mine? And this is William trying to get Papa to smile after he had just got up to some very serious mischief ... is it any wonder that I like my own company???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Qu'est ce que tu ressembles à ton papa, Abigail !! c'est fou !