This is the nurse who read my brain waves as I was asleep - she is ever so nice ... she looks aftger me each time I go for the brain thingie, so we've started to truly warm to one another now!
snore ... zzzzzzzzzzzzz .... snore .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...................snore
and once awake, thats when all the doctors read and interpreted all the funny graphs drawn over the computer screens during my sleep and good news - the epilepsy is regressing!!! It will actually one day go away for good, maybe even in a year or two, much to my Mama and Papa's immense relief! Dr Ville, my neurologist, told Mama that I am making splendid progress on the psychomotricity front and that she couldn't believe how far I have come along and how well I am doing!
What could be better news than that I ask????