Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grandparental spoiling is such fun!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Princess Charlotte comes to visit!!!!

Although we may look like a pair of garden gnomes in this picture, we are in fact being forced into a picturesque cuddle for the sake of this blog ... Charlotte is ten months old and her Mama and mine have been in 'virtual' contact almost since Charlotte was born.This was the first opportunity Charlotte and I had to meet, along with Sylvie and Eva who both live near Calais. Charlotte is the bonniest little girl you have ever seen with the feistiest of personalities - my Mama was utterly besotten and was barely able to let anyone else hold her. I took a shine to her too - take a look at these pix for a taste of how well we got on!!!

Amongst other things, we both have a beauty queen model-to-be attitude towards all cameras - we just know how to get our best assetts under the camera flashes!!!

Getting to know each other better didn't take long ....

Charlotte has quite a Welsh sense of humour methinks!!!

This is Charlotte being smothered and snogged by her Mama Stephanie who is almost as gorgeous as Charlotte...

oi Charlotte! Hands off! That's my big brother and I'm not sharing him!

A bientot Charlotte!!! Les Bernards sont ravis de te connaitre enfin!!

Je vous presente ma copine Princesse Eva

Voici ma copine Eva - elle habite vers Calais, et elle est venu passer le weekend chez moi, avec notre copine Charlotte. Voici Eva avec sa Maman Sylvie : la famille Bernard etait RAVIE de faire votre connaissance a toutes les deux!!
En arrivant, on s'est mis a table et je n'ai pas pu arreter de regarder Eva ... ma Maman la trouve tres tres jolie - elle n'arretait pas de la prendre dans les bras et lui faire des bisous : Eva, je crois que ma Maman t'a adopte!!!

Il faut savoir qu'Eva sait manger aussi avec des couverts .. mais c'est tellement meilleur avec les doigts!!!

Lors de notre photo de groupe, Eva a fait une grande decouverte ...

Et elle a du l'osculter dans le detail ..... elle est rigolotte ma copine!!

Nathan et Eva ont beaucoup joues ensemble ... et ils s'aiment beaucoup. Ca me fait tres plaisir, car Eva serait super comme belle soeur! Mais que vois-je ici? Eva qui fait un clin d'oeuil au frere de Nathan, William??!!! non mais!!!

A ca les clins d'oeuils elle aime bien! Ici je crois que c'etait pour mon Papa ... hmmm ....

Et alors, ils ne sont pas beaux ensemble, mon grand frere et la grande soeur d'Eva, Marine???!!! aie aie aie aie !!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Abigails summer holidays draw to an end ... no suntan but lots of sweet memories ....

She DOES tend to smother us all ...

Thanks for saving my brothers from the dangerous seawaters! My Mama really enjoyed taking these pix ...

Reza and Princess Rosie, our co-holiday makers

Happiness is GORGEOUS big brothers

Holidays are for SLEEPING, glorious Sleeping!!!

Rumour has it that Big Bill is in there somewhere ...

All that hyperactivity does have its consequences ...

Throwing a few holiday zzzzz's with Papa ...

Whilst usually cooperative on the sleeping front, I just really wasn't in the mood when this picture was taken ..